Rejuven is like the ultimate personal assistant for your microbiome, that knows all about your unique biology!

The Rejuven platform guides you through different phases of recovering and optimizing your health and delivers insights, recommendations and protocols based on your genotype and microbiome.
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How Rejuven Works

Rejuven is at it's most powerful when it knows about your microbiome and some of your unique genetic makeup.

Sign up

The first step on your Rejuven journey is to sign up and create your account with us.

Answer some questions (Optional)

Our onboarding system will ask you some fairly straightforward questions about you, your health history and your health goals. Feel free to answer what you're comfortable with and skip what you're not.

Biomarker Assessment (Optional)

Our mobile apps include some biomarker analysis tools that are easy to use. Using the camera on your phone our system is able to identify some simple body measurements that allow us to get closer to a precise genotype for you.

Genomic and Microbiome Testing (Optional)

You can easily order our genomic and microbiome tests to further identify your specific genotype and the current status of your microbiome.

Important Note: Our genomic test is specific to us and only analyzes key SNP's related to motherhood. It does not provide predictive analysis of disease.

Then our platform personalizes to you

Once we learn a little bit more about you the platform starts to personalize itself based on your genotype. The more information we have to precisely identify your genotype, the better our platform performs.


Our platform will develop a protocol specifically for you and your genotype that's easy to follow and guides you on your pregnancy journey.

Analysis and Results

Your profile will store all your results and analysis so that you can always see how we identified your genotype and what your microbiome consists of.
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Rejuven automatically identifies the content that is most relevant to you and personalizes your knowledge journey based on your biology and your health goals.


Rejuven automatically connects you to communities of women who have a similar biology to you. These communities are great for sharing tips, experiences or just war stories.

Join our waitlist and get early access to Rejuven

We're currently in alpha testing and will be opening up more access once we move into beta testing so make sure to grab your place on the waitlist so we can start working on your microbiome as soon as possible.
We care about your data in our privacy policy.
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